
Since 2019

HMT Leipzig

Assistent lecture teacher for movement, dance and body training.

Departament of Music/ Theater


Universität Mozateum Salzburg

Assistent lecture teacher for movement, dance and body training.

Departament of Music/ Theater

Since 2023 

Teacher for Modern/ Contemporary dance

 Dance Workshop e. V.

Pre- Professional Dance Training.

From Summer Semester 2024

Creative dance
for children.

My teaching philosophy

            The profile of each each educator is sustained by its personal experience, knowledge and values. Those are interlaced between its personality and pedagogy.

My pedagogical strategy and methods, seek to go beyond of routine exercices, with the goal to develop strong technical movements of steps. My teaching experience shows me, that a healthy relationship between teacher and student, has the power not only to influence the students development, but helps me to understand how to enhance their abilities. 

The learning process of an individual or group occurs through the connection of the factors: emotion, cognition and motor. These can receive internal and external stimuli, which may influence in the students performance and formation. The use of somatic approaches, regardless of the dance style ,is essential for the increase the body sensibility of an individual. 

Therefore, my personality and classes (independent of the style) are carried with humor and positive vocabulary, offering an environment where the students feel save to experiment, reflect, try out and questioning. I aim to guide them not to imitate me or some else, but to learn how to deal and overcome their own physical and psychological barriers. 

I also believe that a constantly exchange with my students is to me, an enriching personal and professional process. As a life long learner, I have the possibility to learn with them and keep developing new pedagogical skills.



Claudio Valentim

(Pt. En. Sp. Dt.)
Leipzig, Germany
+49 176 3467 2616
[email protected]